Common Symptoms Of Strep Throat In Children

Strep throat, which is caused by the group A streptococus bacteria, is highly contagious and needs to be treated with antibiotics to prevent complications. Since toddlers and kids are often in close contact with each other and often learning proper hand washing techniques, it is not surprising that strep throat is common in children. As a parent, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of strep throat so you can take your child to your family doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Some of the most common signs of strep throat in children include:

Sore Throat

It is not surprising that a bacteria colonizing in the throat would cause the throat to be sore. But many things, such as the common cold, post-nasal drip, or allergies, can also cause a sore throat. If your child begins to complain that his or her throat is sore, pay attention and watch out for other symptoms.

High Fever

When a child has strep throat, he or she will develop a high fever as the body tries to fight off the infection. If you suspect that your child has a fever, take his or her temperature before giving any type of medicine that is designed to reduce fevers or provide pain relief. This will ensure that you get an accurate idea of how high your child's fever is.

Patches on the Tonsils and/or Throat

One of the classic signs of strep throat is red or white patches on the tonsils or in the throat. Use a tongue depressor to hold your child's tongue down and shine a light towards the back of your child's mouth. If you can see any red or white patches, you need to schedule an appointment with your family doctor.

Difficulty Swallowing

Step throat causes swelling and inflammation in the throat, which can make it difficult and painful for a child to swallow liquids and foods. If your child has strep throat, you may notice that he or she is not interested in eating or drinking because of the discomfort and difficulty swallowing.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Another common sign of strep throat in children is swollen lymph nodes in the neck. In the event that your child has several of the other symptoms mentioned above as well as swollen, tender lymph nodes, medical treatment is required. In many cases, swollen lymph nodes caused by strep throat are visible to the eye and you will also be able to feel that they are swollen with your fingers.

Contact a clinic, like Stellis Health, for more help.
