Text Neck? Low-Tech Relief Strategies For High-Tech Pain

Americans are entranced with modern electronic devices that provide web-enabled access for everything from shopping and social activities to business and financial management. But the use of handheld e-readers, smart phones, tablets and laptops comes with a painful price for some users. Referred to as "text neck," this posture related problem affects the cervical spine and causes pain and discomfort in people who routinely spend long periods of time using technology. Commons symptoms include head, neck and back pain, often worsening over time. If you are guilty of spending a significant amount of time using these devices and have developed the painful symptoms of text neck, the following strategies will help you relieve the pain and help keep it from returning. 

Make Small Changes in the Way You Use Devices

Making a conscious effort to recognize any signs of discomfort that you feel when using devices allows you to find ways to make small changes, such as using apps and accessories to modify your usage and make it more comfortable. Even small changes, such as using voice-to-text apps to issue commands and write emails and text messages can offer a more comfortable user experience that will help to lessen stress on your spine and neck. 

If you spend a great deal of time on the phone, a Bluetooth ear piece or wired ear buds will encourage you to stand or sit correctly while talking, instead of being tempted to scrunch the phone between your shoulder and ear. 

Make Ergonomic Adjustments in Both Work and Home Offices

When sitting at a desk or table while working on a computer, you may find yourself unconsciously hunching forward as you type. This can happen when working on desktop systems, but it is likely to occur most often when working on laptops and tablets because they are more compact in design. To alleviate this problem on a desktop computer, invest in an ergonomically-designed keyboard that helps to encourage good posture and make sure that the computer screen is adjusted properly to eliminate posture issues.

If you use a laptop or tablet, invest in a holder that allows you to use them with an external keyboard, while ensuring that the screen is at the correct height for your comfort. In addition, make sure that the desk surface is also at the correct height and that you invest in a good quality office chair with ergonomic features.  

If you find that you are not making progress in reducing the symptoms of text neck when at work or home, consider asking your physician for a referral to an occupational therapist like one from Bayonet Point Health & Rehabilitation Center. In addition to helping people improve their ability and comfort level when performing tasks at work, they can also help you make positive changes in other areas of your life. 
