Minimize the Appearance of Scarring After Mohs Surgery

If a small, cancerous growth on your cheekbone has resulted in the removal of several layers of skin during a Mohs surgical procedure, minimize the appearance of scarring as the treated area heals with the following tips. As a result, hypertrophic scarring (the thickening of scar tissue) will not be as likely to occur, and you may not feel self-conscious about your appearance.

Massage Daily

Once your skin begins to heal and you can touch the area that was treated without causing yourself any discomfort, knead the skin with your fingertips for a few minutes at regular intervals each day. Before massaging the area, clean and dry your facial skin and hands.

Use the tips of your fingers and press firmly into your cheekbone, directly around the area that was surgically treated. Compressing the skin in this manner may soften or eliminate hypertrophic scarring. It may also provide your skin with a more supple texture. Continue massaging the area throughout the recovery process.

Apply Silicone Sheeting

Silicone sheeting is a product sold by pharmacists that prevents the formation of scars while skin is healing. If a scar has already formed, it will assist with flattening it and reducing inflammation around it. Sheeting should be applied to clean, dry skin. Remove the adhesive backing from a piece of silicone and press the sheeting firmly against your skin.

Silicone can be worn throughout the day and will not shift or loosen. Remove the sheeting before going to bed. Wash your face and apply any topical medication that was prescribed by your doctor. The following day, apply a new piece of sheeting after you wake up.

Protect from the Sun's Rays

The sun's harmful rays should be avoided in order to promote the formation of healthy skin cells, protect from cancer, and to prevent discoloration of skin tissue. Avoiding the sun will also reduce inflammation of the skin and hypertrophic healing. Cover the area of your face that was surgically treated with gauze that is secured with surgical tape before spending extended amounts of time outdoors. Put on a wide-brimmed hat to further keep your skin protected.

Apply an even layer of sunscreen to the area that was surgically treated if you find yourself outdoors and do not have any other way to cover up the skin that is healing.

Follow each of these tips throughout the healing process, and consult with your doctor regularly. Click here for more information. 
