Preparing For An Appointment With A Podiatrist

You might have chosen to see a podiatrist because you are having an active problem that needs to be checked out or you have a disease like diabetes that you want to ensure isn't causing issues for your feet. Whatever your reason for making the appointment, it's important that you help the doctor do their work by heeding these tips in the days before visiting their office.

Skip the Pedicure

To make sure your feet look as good as possible and impress your podiatrist, you may book a pedicure appointment at the local salon. This might be something to reconsider for a number of reasons. For one thing, you've got to realize that bacteria is rampant at some salons and you could be making things worse for your own feet if you contract toenail fungus, for instance. If you already have toenail fungus, you could be spreading those germs to others if you have a pedicure before you're medically treated. Lastly, any nail polish you select could obscure the podiatrist's vision and make it difficult for them to properly assess your toenails and nailbeds.

All you need to do before your appointment is to ensure your feet are clean and your nails are clipped.

Consider Not Shaving

If you're a woman, It may surprise you to learn that it's not necessary to shave your legs in anticipation of your podiatrist appointment. Hair growth will show the doctor that your blood flow is good and that circulation is happening as it should. If hair has stopped growing on your lower legs and feet naturally, that could raise some questions about health conditions you could have, such as diabetes. Of course, you don't need to walk in with days of hair growth; just don't feel pressured to get rid of the hair.

Prepare a Medication List

You might not know it yet, but there's a chance that your podiatrist will be prescribing medication for you. This is especially likely if you have toenail fungus, for instance. If this happens, you'll need to understand that the medication they recommend could interact with other medicine you might already be prescribed.

For that reason, it's important that you bring a medication list with you to your appointment. That way, the doctor can look at it and make decisions about their own prescriptions accordingly. The list is a good idea so that you aren't forgetting any pills that you take until after your appointment.

The actions above will help your podiatrist to have a much better understanding of your feet and current health situation. This will allow them a better opportunity to make the right decisions about your treatment going forward. For more information, contact local professionals like Hartford Podiatry Group.
