Acupressure Questions You Likely Need Answered

When a person is suffering from chronic pain, it can be common for them to assume that medications will be the only source of relief. Yet, acupressure can be an effective treatment for patients that are suffering from numerous different problems. However, you may not have had previous experience undergoing these treatments, and if this is true, you will likely have several questions.

Will Needles Be Used During Your Acupressure Session?

There is a common misconception among many people that acupressure and acupuncture are the same. Not surprisingly, many people may be hesitant to undergo a procedure that requires needles to be placed in the skin. Luckily, acupressure does not involve the use of needles. Rather, the technician will only use their fingers to apply the needed pressure. While this may not seem like it will be as effective as acupuncture, it can provide many of the same benefits, but the results may take slightly longer to become apparent.

How Long Does Acupressure Take?

Your first session of acupressure therapy will likely be your longest, as there will be numerous documents that must be completed. Additionally, you will need to explain your condition to the acupressure therapist so that they will understand where to concentrate their efforts. Typically, the actual acupressure session will only take around an hour to complete, but the exact time can change according to a patient's needs and their healing progress.

Are There Side Effects Of Acupressure That You Should Know About?

Concerns about side effects can be another reason why individuals may be hesitant about undergoing acupressure treatments. However, these sessions will have minimal negative side effects. In fact, most patients will experience a deep sense of relaxation after undergoing these treatments. As a result, drowsiness can be a frequent side effect of these treatments, and you may want to schedule these sessions for the late afternoon so that you will have an easier time staying alert during the busy parts of your day.

Chronic pain can be a serious problem that may have profound impacts on your quality of life. In order to make sure that you are equipped to handle this problem, you need to be informed about the various treatment options that are available. By understanding that acupressure does not involve needles, requires relatively short sessions, and has few side effects, you will likely find that this treatment is an option that deserves serious consideration for addressing your chronic pain. To learn more, contact a location like Academy Spine & Physical Therapy.
