Why Get Referred To An Oral Surgeon For Your Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, then you know you have a painful condition that is hard for the traditional dentist to treat. While dentists take out wisdom teeth on a regular basis and are able to treat a majority of patients with ease, some treatments, when it comes to these far-back molars, are best left to oral surgeons.

An oral surgeon is a dentist who specializes in dental surgical procedures, including bone grafts in the jaw, palate or cleft procedures, and wisdom teeth removal. Why get referred to an oral surgeon for your impacted wisdom teeth? Here are a few reasons to discuss this option with your dentist, when you get your checkup done.

Your teeth haven't come all the way in, yet.

With impacted wisdom teeth, a common issue is this: some of the wisdom teeth have fully erupted while others have not. This leads to a situation where some of the teeth are easy to get out while others require digging into the jawbone or gum tissue to remove the offending and painful tooth.

Many traditional dentists prefer to refer these types of patients to an oral surgeon to make the removal of the tooth easier. Since an impacted wisdom tooth that hasn't fully erupted can be both painful and cause an infection in your mouth, you will want to see if an oral surgeon will treat your condition as soon as possible.

You're worried about the wisdom teeth removal procedure.

If you get your wisdom teeth taken out by your traditional dentist, you will be given medication and numbing agents to reduce discomfort and pain, but you will most likely be left awake or under a light sedation throughout the procedure. If this worries you or makes you anxious, then you'll want to get referred to a dental surgeon. A dental surgeon will be able to put you fully under, for your impacted wisdom teeth removal, which is great news if your extraction will be extensive or require some time to complete.

Whether you are worried about your wisdom teeth, they haven't come all the way in yet, or you have had issues with one or more tooth extractions in the past, it's wise to speak to an oral surgeon about your dental health. Your dentist can refer you to a dental surgeon who will be able to give you the treatment you desire. The right oral surgeon will put you at ease and give you quality care.
