Three Reasons To Admit You Need A Hearing Aid

Getting older comes with drawbacks, and one of these is often the loss of hearing. If you've noticed that your hearing doesn't seem to be as sharp anymore, or your family has told you so, you might be resistant to getting a hearing aid. Despite the benefits they can provide, many people look at them as a sign of getting older. However, if you don't get a hearing aid, you could end up with some serious problems on your hands. [Read More]

Insight on Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgeries

Spinal surgery is usually performed to aid in the stabilization of the joints and vertebrae of the spinal column. Additionally, the surgery may help to relieve undue pressure on the spinal nerves. Pressure on the nerves within the spine may occur due to other spinal issues, such as a herniated disc or the abnormal curvature of the spine. Although spinal surgery may be conducted in an open manner, it can also be performed as a minimally invasive application. [Read More]

5 Qualities to Look For in a Medical Spa

More and more people are turning to medical spas to enhance their physical appearance and self-esteem. From chemical peels to fillers, med spas offer a wide range of non-surgical treatments for men and women. There are many medical spas, so selecting the right one may seem tricky. Here are a few qualities you should look for in this type of facility. Cleanliness First and foremost, a medical spa should be neat and clean to reduce the risk of transferring an infection. [Read More]

What Is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical weight loss is a program that your doctor oversees. Your doctor will help you curate a diet plan and exercise plan that is right for you and your body. In some plans, you may even get your own health coach who could also help motivate and coach you through the process.  Understanding Weight Loss That extra weight you may be trying to get rid of is actually just energy (also known as calories) that your body is storing as fat tissue. [Read More]