Spinal Compression Fractures: Getting A Diagnosis And Understanding Treatment Options

If you have been experiencing a lot of severe back pain after getting into a car accident, it may be a good idea to have your back checked out by a physician. There is a chance you have a spinal compression fracture. It is not uncommon for a fracture like this to occur due to the impact of the crash that occurs when people get into car accidents. It is important to undergo an evaluation and get a proper diagnosis so that you can ultimately receive the right treatment for the pain you are experiencing.

What Are Some Signs of a Spinal Compression Fracture?

There are some symptoms that people commonly experience when suffering from this type of fracture. You may experience back pain on a regular basis. It could be hard for you to get comfortable during the day because you always have that pain lingering. If the fracture goes untreated for an extended period of time, your back may begin hunching forward.

How Can a Doctor Determine If You Have a Spinal Compression Fracture or Not?

The doctor may need to run several tests to determine if this is the cause of your back pain. One of the most important tests is the MRI. The MRI scans would provide an in-depth view of your spine, allowing the physician to see if anything is out of the ordinary. If you have never had one of these scans before, you might not know what to expect. The process is fairly quick and simple. You will need to rest on your back on top of a table while remaining completely still as the images are taken. Once the physician has the images, he or she can evaluate them and may be able to provide a diagnosis.

What Types of Treatments Are Offered to Patients?

The treatment provided to patients will vary based on their physical condition. If you receive the diagnosis, the physician may suggest physical therapy. You could meet with a physical therapist to perform different exercises that could help you get relief from the pain caused by this kind of fracture. Some of the things you may do during a physical therapy session include standing calf stretches, lower back stretches and assorted range of motion exercises.

While many people can successfully treat this problem with physical therapy, you may ask for medication if the pain is too severe for you to handle. In some instances, a patient may even need surgery.

If you are experiencing a lot of back pain after a car accident, you could have a spinal compression fracture. It is important to see a physician at a clinic like Southwest Florida Neurosurgical & Rehab Associates to have tests performed and then get an official diagnosis so that you can figure out what you will do to treat the problem.
